MSc Students

Current MSc Students

17–24. KCL Engineering 2024–2025
Xunlai Chang
Yaqing Liu
Xinyu Wei
Tianshi Xie
Ruoxuan Yan
Manqi Yang
Zhuang Yang
Peng Yao

Graduated MSc Students

1. Shivani Yardi (USC Viterbi School of Engineering, EE)
Raga Structure: Geometric and Generative Models (2004)

2. Eric Cheng (USC Viterbi School of Engineering, EE)
Computational Analysis of Expression in Violin Performance (2007)
→ Co-founder & CTO, Intrinsics Inc.

3. Merrick Mosst (USC Viterbi School of Engineering, EE)
Quantitative Modeling of Emotion Perception in Music (2007)
→ Founder & Chief Engineer, Mayari Studios

4. Rob Parke (USC Viterbi School of Engineering, EE)
Quantitative and visual analysis of the impact of music on perceived emotion of film (2007)
→ Associate Professor of Technology and Applied Computing Practice, USC

5. Madeleine de Bouteiller (ENS Lyon, France)
Expressivity in Debussy’s Sonata for Cello and piano – Towards an annotation system of cello expressiveness (2015)
→ Cellist & Composer, Madeleine Ladore

QMUL MSc Students TBA

6. Gonzalo Romero García (Sorbonne Université, ATIAM)
Rhythm Transcription and Characterization for Performed Music and Arrhythmia Sequences (2020)
→ PhD Sorbonne Université
→ Professor and investigator, Ecole d’Ingénieurs en Informatique

7. KCL BMEIS Healthcare Technologies MRes 2022–2023
Ravia Saini : Analysis of cardiovascular data from a music structure analysis technique

8-12. KCL Engineering 2022–2023
Dongming Bi : Music Structure Analysis Applied to Heartbeat Data
Aishwaria Chauhan : Real-time Harmonic Tension Detection Using SuperCollider
Wentao Hao : Implementation of the SPAR Method for Stress Detection by ECG
Xuewen Pei : Rhythm simplex applied to heartbeat data
Baichun Wang : Rhythm Simplex applied to Heartbeat Data

13. KCL BMEIS Healthcare Technologies MRes 2023–2024
Ruoying Wang : Evaluation of heartbeat sonifications created using sonecules

14–16 KCL Engineering 2023–2024
Yutong Jin : Engineering Music Expressivity
Hang Su : Improving Piano Playing: A Deep Learning-Based Approach to Analysing Pedal Usage
Miaoxiang Yi : Tempo smoothing based on artificial intelligence